Two Tips to Follow When Using Removalists' Services on a Scorching Hot Day

If it's going to be scorching hot on the day you'll be having removalists move your things for you, you should follow these tips.

Keep your air conditioning on and leave the removal and loading of the ceiling fans until last

Whilst you're not, of course, responsible for ensuring the removalists don't overheat when they're moving your items, it will make your move easier and help them out if you wait until they have loaded all of your other household items into their truck before you have them take your home's ceiling fans and any removable air conditioners (such as portable air conditioners) until last and keep any inbuilt air conditioning switched on until the end of the loading process.

The reason for this is that the removalists could potentially overheat or get sunstroke, due to having to carry big, heavy furniture items and potentially dozens of boxes of your belongings out of your home and into their truck, whilst the temperatures are very high. This is because this work is physically intense and as such will make these professionals, who will already be warm due to the hot weather, become even warmer.

By keeping your ceiling fans and removable air conditioners in place and any ducted air conditioning you have in the property switched on until the end of the loading process, you'll be providing the removalists with a chance to cool down every time they come back into your home to pick up a few more boxes. This, in turn, should ensure that they can continue to load the van as swiftly as they normally do, without having to take breaks due to becoming too faint or hot to carry your belongings.

Ensure you set aside any items you'll need to stay cool

Before the removalists pack and load your belongings, you should quickly scan the items around your home, to see if there are bits and bobs that you'll need to stay cool both during the drive to the new place and when you first arrive.

For example, you might want to put aside a cooler box that you can fill with cold drinks for the journey to your property, and keep your handheld fans, as well as any desk fans you own, in your own vehicle so you can start using them immediately upon arriving at the house (as it may take a while to install the ceiling fans or set up the property's air conditioning).

By gathering these up and putting them aside before the removal team begins placing your boxes in the truck, you can save yourself the task of having to open up your taped boxes in this vehicle, in search of your desk fan or your cooler box.

About Me

Cross Country Moving and Storage

Hello, my name is Denis. I grew up in a suburb of Melbourne and lived there all my life. I went to school and college there and got a job at a local bank. I was very happy and I had no plans to leave the city. However, one day I met a beautiful woman. We instantly clicked and within 6 months we were married. The only problem is that she lived in Perth on the other side of the country. I decided to move to be with her, but I had no idea how to transport and store all my stuff. I got in touch with a moving and storage company. They were great and helped me to organised everything. I decided to start a blog to advise others about moving their things across the country.
